IEEE ICRA 2019 Workshop: Mobile Robot Assistants for the Elderly (MoRobAE)

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION - Mobile Robot Assistants for the Elderly (MoRobAE) - ICRA 2019 Workshop
Submission deadline: March, 15th 2019.

All around the world, the increasing size of the senior population combined with small population growth brings a decline in the number of people of working age who support the costs of the system, and a lack of resources to treat patients and to provide quality care. Mobile robotics is one alternative to address these issues, and is or has been addressed in large scale initiatives all around the world, such as ENRICHME (ENabling Robot and assisted living environment for Independent Care and Health Monitoring of the Elderly), RAMCIP (Robotic Assistant for MCI Patients at home) and MARIO (Managing Active and healthy aging with use of caRing servIce robots, Ireland), all three funded by the European Union H2020 Program, 2015-2018, and VIGIL-Robot, funded by AGE-WELL Network of Centres of Excellence in Canada Program). The goals of the workshop are to learn about such interdisciplinary initiatives and others, what are the lessons learned, and reflect upon what is required to make these robots move out of the labs into real applications. Issues regarding user-centered design in a socially and economically responsible fashion are also going to be addressed.

We encourage researchers to submit their work to be presented at the workshop. Contributions may address but are not limited to the following topics :

- Telepresence robotics for remote assistance
- Robot hardware and software design for seniors
- Sensing capabilities required for seniors-robot interaction
- Autonomous decision-making for robot assistants
- User-centered robot design in a socially and economically responsible fashion
- Qualitative and quantitative approaches for evaluating the experience and impact of robots with seniors
- Outcomes of human-robot interaction pilot studies with seniors
- Long-term autonomy and deployment
- Robot communication and interaction design

Interested authors can submit extended abstracts (2 pages) or papers (4 to 6 pages) to be presented in brief spotlight talks (2-3 min) or oral presentations (12-15 min). The manuscripts should use the IEEE two-column format available on their website in conference mode.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed and selection will be based on their originality, technical quality and clarity, and their relevance to the topic of the workshop.

The submission deadline is March, 15th 2019.

To submit your paper, please go to:

The authors of the accepted submissions will be invited to submit a paper for a Special issue of PALADYN Journal of Behavioral Robotics:

        • François Michaud, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
        • Adriana Tapus, ENSTA ParisTech, France
        • François Ferland, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
        • Goldie Nejat, University of Toronto, Canada
        • Eva Barrett, NUI Galway, Ireland
        • Dympna Casey, NUL Galway, Ireland